Wednesday January 17th
09:00 Introductory remarks
Chair: Antoine Georges
09:20 Pierre Le Doussal
  Counting trapped fermions
10:00 Alberto Rosso
  Creep motion of elastic interfaces driven in a disordered landscape
10:40 Coffee Break
Chair: Dirk Van der Marel
11:20 Corinna Kollath
  Dynamical phenomena in interacting atomic gases coupled to optical cavities
12:00 Chandra Varma
  What remains unproven by experiments for a theory of high temperature superconductors?
12:40 Lunch
Chair: Nirvana Caballero
14:30 Vivien Lecomte
  Hidden degrees of freedom in the motion of interfaces in disordered media
15:10 Patrycja Paruch
  Every (ferroelectric) wall is a door - exploring the links between structure, dynamics, and emergent functionalities
15:50 Coffee Break
Chair: Christophe Berthod
16:30 Sriram Shastry
  A progenitor fermi surface tracking algorithm
17:10 Posters and Apero